FTP Manager
What's an FTP Manager? How much helpful is it when it comes to controlling an Internet site?
Accessing your web connect via FTP will be quick and easy. You will be able to upload/download files/folders with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. Aside from administering the entire content, you can also give other people access to a given section of your web hosting account without granting them access to your Control Panel where they can see private emails or other details they shouldn’t. This can be done by creating a different FTP account that they can make use of to access only one folder within the web hosting account. This feature is particularly handy if you use different web designers or in case you rely on a website building application like Dreamweaver or FrontPage to administer a number of Internet sites simultaneously, since you can have a separate FTP account for each website or each person. In such a case, it is essential to be able to manage your FTP accounts with no effort.
FTP Manager in Shared Website Hosting
All our shared website hosting packages come with a feature-packed, albeit easy-to-use FTP Manager, which will allow you to administer all the FTP accounts that you’ve set up seamlessly. The FTP Manager is an integral part of our cutting-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel and besides creating and removing FTP accounts, you can update the password for any existing account with only 2 clicks. You can change the access level for any specific account just as easily – you will just have to click on the access path associated with the account in question and then to select the new directory. Furthermore, you can download an auto-config file for various FTP clients and set up any of the FTP accounts on your personal computer simply by running the file in question. For simpler and more efficient management, you can sort the accounts alphabetically on the basis of their access paths or their usernames.